We only really have one aim here at 1-Bill – to be a valued partner by your side, helping guide you and your business to more success and future growth. Everything we do has your interests at heart and our entire service is designed around trying to help you thrive in business. 

You want your business to be faster, easier, more cost-effective, and more efficient. 1-Bill is here to help with a simple but high-quality expense management and supply service. But how exactly does it all work, and what exactly do we do? Let’s take a look. 


  • Contact us with what you need


First thing’s first: you come to us with whatever it is you need. We only ever work on behalf of our clients and we never do any work that you haven’t requested. This is because our service is here when you need it. When you partner with 1-Bill, you’re free to use our service as much or as little as you like, whenever you need it. You’re never obligated to use 1-Bill more than you need. 

We’ll go through all the normal questions so that we understand exactly what you need and what your requirements are. Then, we’re ready to find a deal that suits you. 


  •  We’ll find you the best deals


Once we understand your requirements, we’ll go out to our contacts and begin negotiating the best possible deals for you. We’ll save you time by searching and negotiating for you, and our superior buying power means that we can secure more cost-effective deals than you could on your own. We buy in bulk for several businesses at a time, which allows us to secure excellent discounted rates.

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When we’ve negotiated some excellent deals that we think you’ll like, we’ll return with a compiled shortlist for you to choose from. We’ll also provide recommendations and insight, helping to guide you to the right choice for your business if you need it. 


  • You give us the nod and we’ll get things done


When you’ve decided on the best deal for you and your business, we’ll go back and sort everything out for you. The moment you know that you want to proceed, we’ll take things off your hands again, saving you precious time for your business. We’ll make sure that everyone is happy, including both you and your supplier, and then you’ll receive the services you’ve requested. 

In some instances, payment will be made directly from you to your supplier. This is usually for services such as insurance, energy, or utility connections. For other services, you’ll pay 1-Bill directly and we’ll handle everything for you. 


  • Everything is handled in one monthly-invoice


The best part about all of this? We are your one point of contact for a range of different suppliers, and we keep your expenses with us in one monthly-invoice. 1-Bill is here to save you time, and we know that being able to request, negotiate and secure deals with a range of different suppliers and services, all from one point of contact, is going to give you more time each month to focus on other things.

At the end of each month, we’ll send you a single invoice either via email or by post. You only ever make one monthly payment to 1-Bill, no matter how many different services you’ve required. We’ll save you on time spent managing, reconciling, and scanning your expenses. One invoice, one payment – forget getting overwhelmed with paperwork from dozens of different suppliers! 

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Are you interested in the unique service we provide here at 1-Bill? Would you like a partner who negotiates and secures the best deals for your business, saving you time and money each month? Please get in touch with us today to discover more about how 1-Bill can work alongside you to support the development and growth of your business.